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Mental Health Series workshop titled: Mental Health implications of physical and emotional isolation


Mental Health Series workshop titled: Mental Health implications of physical and emotional isolation

During this session we will hear from the Yezarni Wynn about the mental health implications of physical and emotional isolation in the context of monkeypox, HIV and the overarching COVID-19 pandemic.  A panel of community workers will discuss the implications on service delivery and the impact they are witnessing in their clients.

Plenary Speaker:

Yezarni Wynn (he/him) is a third-year psychiatry resident physician at the University of Toronto. His background prior to training in psychiatry is in Global Health and Health Policy. Yezarni has special interests in the intersections between mental health and social justice for systemically marginalized populations. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) and helps co-lead a grassroots interest group called Mental Health on the Margins (MHOTM). He will be presenting on the mental health implications of physical and emotional isolation in the context of monkeypox, HIV and the overarching COVID-19 pandemic.

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This event is hosted by Casey House.

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