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Understanding Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Vicarious Trauma


Understanding Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Vicarious Trauma

Understand the difference between compassion fatigue, burn out, and vicarious trauma. In this workshop, participants learn practical strategies for self reflection, selfcare, and work through a personalized action plan to manage the effects of their own compassion fatigue, while inspiring meaningful changes in their lives.

This online format includes videos, activities, and interactive discussion.


More information:

Fee:  $125 + HST, payable by e-transfer, credit card, cheque

About your instructor:

Tammy Whelen is no stranger to adversity. She faced a difficult battle with cancer at just 25 years old, and has experienced firsthand the anguish of losing a loved one to addiction.

As a mental health educator, Tammy focuses her efforts on educating communities about mental health and wellness. She is determined to demystify mental illness and fight the stigma surrounding it, creating awareness and inspiring change.

With a certification in Adult Education, and Facilitation and Teaching Effectiveness, Tammy also shares her personal experiences which demonstrate that we each face our own challenges. She believes it is through understanding and acceptance that we can build a network of support.



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This website has been funded by a grant from the Government of Ontario.
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