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EENet ConnectSubgroupsGambling, Gaming & Technology Use Community of Interest

Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use Community of Interest

The Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use Community of Interest brings together addiction and mental health service providers, researchers and subject matter experts in the fields of gambling, technology/Internet use and video gaming to collaborate and share knowledge on emerging trends and clinical best practices.

How does phone use effect us?

I found this video interesting because it doesn't just touch on what is happening in our brains that is changing due to phone use, but it also talks about the change in our physical appearance due to phone use.

I found the very first fact very interesting that out of the 7 billion people on earth 6 billion have a phone and only 4.5 billion have access to a toilet. This also made me wonder if these were mobile phones or if this was also regular phones as I felt this number was rather high.

I am also a huge fan of our sleep cycles, I enjoyed how they talked about the change in sleep habits due to phone use as not many people think about proper sleep hygiene.

Original Post

This website has been funded by a grant from the Government of Ontario.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario.