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The complexity and "mixed" experiences of community life and integration for people living with a severe mental illness

I found this research paper ringing true for me as a family caregiver and as a front line worker, although at first you may think it's for yea old professionals.

Locating community among people with schizophrenia living in a diverse urban environment

It depicts perspectives and experience of people living with a severe mental illness in the areas of Social Relationships (including the context of family/friends relationships), Self Concept and access to Community Resources.

It focus' on what I think are the mixed dynamics and the reality involved  of living with a severe mental illness - a bit of a push on the sometimes idealized rhetoric of the family, community and community care recovery practices.  An effort to keep us more focused and relevant,  all of us, as we seek to advance recovery. 

Abstract below

Increasing the community participation of people with severe mental illness is a primary goal of recovery-oriented services. Despite this emphasis, the construct of community remains understudied and poorly articulated. This study provides an in-depth examination of the experiences, beliefs, behaviors, and spaces that constitute community participation for a highly diverse group of people with schizophrenia who are urban dwellers. An in-depth, longitudinal qualitative design was employed with 30 individuals with schizophrenia residing in inner-city neighborhoods in Canada’s largest city. For these individuals, community participation is a dynamic process, shaped by illness and non-illness-associated social relationships and spaces, self-concept, and the resources accessible to the person. The complexity of factors that are associated with “community” for people with schizophrenia, with overlays of culture, poverty, victimization, and discrimination, calls for a critical examination of the community rhetoric employed in practice and policy contexts.


Locating community among people with schizophrenia living in a diverse urban environment

Pages 103-121 | Published online: 10 Jun 2016

Note - You would need to access it via a library unless you can pay, but worth a look (it would be great if eenet could help access but likely a complicated process to pull off.)

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