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New Research Snapshot: How job insecurity and financial concern are associated with poor mental health during COVID-19

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How job insecurity and financial concern are associated with poor mental health during COVID-19

Here is a sneak peek:

What you need to know?
During a global crisis, an increase in unemployment rates and job insecurity is associated with poor mental health outcomes, leading to an increase in anxiety and depressive symptoms. In the United States, during the Equine Influenza (EI) outbreak and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak, job losses caused an increase in psychological and emotional stress. Similar patterns are now being seen with the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). High unemployment rates, fear of losing one’s job or difficulty in attaining new employment is negatively affecting the mental health of those who are struggling financially.

In this study the authors focused on the potential links between job insecurity, financial concerns and mental health and whether financial concerns explained the association between job insecurity and mental health due to COVID-19. Overall, the authors found higher rates of depressive and anxiety symptoms associated with job insecurity and financial concerns during COVID-19.

What is this research about?

In the past, research has shown a link between household income and financial strain and anxiety or depressive disorders. Those experiencing job insecurity are also concerned about their personal finances. These concerns can lead to poor mental health outcomes, especially during a national or global crisis.

In this study, the authors examined whether job insecurity and financial concerns were related to poor mental health outcomes such as anxiety and depressive symptoms. They further explored whether financial concerns also explained the association between job insecurity due to COVID-19 and mental health.

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Download the PDF version of the research snapshot in English here and French here

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This website has been funded by a grant from the Government of Ontario.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario.