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NOW AVAILABLE: Canadian Clinical Guidelines on Anxiety in Older Adults

The Canadian Coalition on Seniors' Mental Health recently released first-of-their-kind national clinical guidelines on anxiety in older adults.

Anxiety disorders represent the most common mental health problem across the lifespan, including in late life. Every year, 18% of older Canadians experience symptoms of anxiety or depression that they find difficult to cope with, and 6% of older Canadians have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and phobias being the most common. While guidelines exist for the treatment of anxiety disorders in the general adult population, older adults require special considerations.

The objective of these guidelines is to provide practical and evidence-based guidance on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of anxiety in older adults.

In addition to the Guidelines, a clinician's pocket card and other resources will be available soon.  Please visit our Anxiety webpage.

Original Post

This website has been funded by a grant from the Government of Ontario.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario.