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Research Viewpoints: Suicide safety planning during a pandemic

The impact of physical distancing guidelines on people at risk for suicide is unknown but concerning. Enforced isolation may increase risk of suicide, and many coping strategies in standard suicide safety plans could increase risk of COVID-19 infection or violate public health orders. In an article published recently, researchers present a number of recommendations for modifying standard suicide safety plans in response to COVID-19.

Read our Research Viewpoints summary here, in English or in French.


Research Viewpoints are a new type of EENet resource that provide opinions from experts in the field of mental health and addictions based on commentary or editorials published in peer-reviewed journals.

This issue of Research Viewpoints is based on the article “Suicide Safety Planning During a Pandemic: The Implications of COVID-19 on Coping with a Crisis,” which was published in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior in 2020. DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12641

Original Post

This website has been funded by a grant from the Government of Ontario.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario.