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Serious rock stars over here at the Centre for Innovation in Peer Support! Health Quality Ontario features the Peer Support Integrity, Quality & Impact Survey

Serious rock stars over here at the Centre for Innovation in Peer Support @ Support & Housing-Halton.  Please see Ontario Health (Quality Business Unit) Quorum feature of the Centre's Peer Support Integrity, Quality & Impact Survey.  The link is below.

 Here is the link to the published post on Quorum

The validated Peer Support Integrity, Quality & Impact Survey (3 years of work) was co-designed with lived expertise and research evidence on peer work, including the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC) Peer Support reports & Addictions & Mental Health Ontario’s (AMHO) Best Practices Peer Support reports. We also had a huge amount of help from Evidence Exchange Network with literature reviews, research briefs and a Promising Practice feature.

The results from our 11 partner agencies which includes, accredited health service providers such as hospital psychiatric inpatient units, addictions residential treatment, supportive housing, central access, employment support programs, community mental health and addiction providers, and self-help education/ support groups has revealed that people are experiencing a high degree of peer work integrity, their emotional response to service significantly improved with the introduction of peer support services into their care and that the following impacts are being experienced;

  1. Made experience with mental health and addictions services better
  2. Decreased need for emergency and crisis service
  3.  Helped more effectively with crisis in their lives
  4. Improved ability for self-care
  5. More confidence to tell health providers what they need
  6. Connection to appropriate supports and resources
  7. More hopeful about their lives.


The Centre for Innovation in Peer Support (@ Support & Housing – Halton) promotes meaningful engagement and empowerment of lived experience (patient) and family (caregiver), and effective peer support services regionally, provincially, nationally and internationally. The Centre continues to ensure that the lived experience of peer support workers and the values (fidelity) of peer support work are viewed as assets that facilitate the journey of individuals to what they see as health and good quality of life. (Life worth living).  With those values and priorities, the Centre continues to champion social and healthcare change that fosters person-directed care to ensure every person will be recognized, appreciated and respected for the unique person they are on their unique journey; and to ensure that care provision is adaptable to the fluctuations in peoples’ wellness and needs. Most importantly, the Centre works to have lived experience/patient and family/caregivers experiences embraced as expertise and evidence towards evolving our healthcare system. The Centre knows that the roots of equality & inclusivity are found through engaging the people who “know what it’s like,” and how that can promote values driven/person directed service delivery, inform quality improvement, co-create service provision, inform policy change, encourage cultural humility and transform organizations and systems.


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