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Reply to "Social media as a tool for youth engagement"



So glad we could connect and get your story out on our website. It always feels great to know you've done something good and that you feel empowered by the experience really made my day. So thank you!


The blog, for anyone interested, can be found here:


Back to the issue at hand...


We do definitely all work together to create a positive space online for people who need us. I know I can always forward a troubling tweet to the clinical staff here at mindyourmind and they'll know exactly how to deal with it. And I know that the crisis lines and KHP are always there too.


It's not so much that you are alone and more that you can feel alone when you're the one answering the comments and the one who's name is out there for the world to see. Hopefully platforms like EEnet will help contribute to a sense of shared purpose and responsibility, so we all have somewhere to go for advice and support when we, as providers, need it. 



This website has been funded by a grant from the Government of Ontario.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario.