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Tip of the mornin': Discussion Topics vs. Events

Curious about the best format for your post on EENet Connect? Here are some tips:

  • If your post is about a workshop, webinar, conference, presentation or training session, select Event from the drop-down menu that appears when you click the POST button. This way it will show up in our calendar and people can let you know if they plan to attend.
  • If your post is about something you would like information about or feedback on, or if it is about a topic or resource you'd like the community to be informed about, select Discussion Topic when you post. This will allow people to easily post responses so a discussion can take place, and it will show up in our discussion forums.

There is no need to post the same content as both an Event and a Discussion Topic, so please choose a single format that is most appropriate. You may wish to also post content in one of our theme-specific subgroups.

Remember, EENet Connect is a place to go to find and share information. That means it is appropriate for formal, polished announcements AND informal questions or expressions of opinion. We hope that you will use it for both purposes!


The EENet Connect team

P.S. You will notice that on our help page there are some useful 'how-to' links, including one on 'tips for posting' if you would like some advice about how to make your posts engaging!

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Last edited by Registered Member
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