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Reply to "Use of self, "sharing personal mental health lived experience by mental health practitioners with service users""

I'm going to try to get Jonny Lovell, to join the conversation, but will see as hard to pull people into conversations via a digital one, ie: I made a comment on his blog.   

For sure a rich topic, what comes to mind for me is that as Tom says professional's especially in mental health rather than addiction, don't tend to talk "lived experience" whereas maybe we need to frame:

  • what CBT for psychosis clinical leaders often frame the experience as more on a continuum for all of us, though different on the severity/impact/context etc,;
  • or think of  DBT founder Marsha Linehan -Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight
  • and consider at least some generalized process' of therapeutic relationship, I guess this depends on your view/understanding where rapport and connection evolves for client to a more relatable one with the therapist.  

BTW, I trotted out an old not often used term anymore "counter transference" as a tag, a very useful term though, that nods at the relevance of the togetherness involved in care. 

I think this all leads to clinical supervision - in various forms where the focus is more on process than the deployment of techniques of an particular evidence based practice. 

Hey... we are heading to a new topic, better not!



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