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Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use Community of Interest

The Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use Community of Interest brings together addiction and mental health service providers, researchers and subject matter experts in the fields of gambling, technology/Internet use and video gaming to collaborate and share knowledge on emerging trends and clinical best practices.

Tagged With "cell phones"

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IPTU Fall 2023- How to Break Your Social Media Addiction - YouTube

Registered Member ·
YouTube - Thomas Frank He acknowledges benefits of social media- but suggests some tips for harm reduction. He is not an addiction expert however I like his suggestions. See full details below. 1. Silence/Remove notifications- Dopamine rush when you receive these. Nothing wrong with looking at apps/posts, but when looking at something in response to a notification ,you establish a craving for it, a habit so when they come in future- you will have...
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Technology Use to Address Loneliness among Older Adults

Registered Member ·
This research study is about addressing loneliness and social isolation among older adults. It was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic to measure the impact of technology to address loneliness and social isolation. The results indicate a need for technology-assisted interventions to be designed and delivered with older adult’s values, motivations and capabilities in mind. The main findings of the study indicate: - Addressing loneliness and social isolation among older adults was a key...
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How does phone use effect us?

Registered Member ·
I found this video interesting because it doesn't just touch on what is happening in our brains that is changing due to phone use, but it also talks about the change in our physical appearance due to phone use. I found the very first fact very interesting that out of the 7 billion people on earth 6 billion have a phone and only 4.5 billion have access to a toilet. This also made me wonder if these were mobile phones or if this was also regular phones as I felt this number was rather high. I...
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Short Video - Calling it addiction?

Registered Member · Interesting short video by a doctor talking about how labeling problematic phone use as an addiction is incorrect. - misleading terminology - being informed - having discussions
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Escaping video game addiction: Cam Adair at TEDxBoulder

Registered Member · Cam talks about how playing video games overtook his life. He talks about dropping out of school and pretending to work at a restaurant. He explained he would pretend to go to the restaurant in the day so he could sneak back home to sleep after being up all night playing video games. Cam talks about how his research said 97% of youth aged 2-17 play video games. In the UK he explained his research showed more kids between the ages of 2-5 know how to...

Re: Impact of Social Media on Youth- Katanu Mbevi -TEDx

Registered Member · This is a beautiful short video with acceptance of reality of social media, its problematic use, guidance and remedy to use technology in a safe and a positive way. And this requires parents and kids to be on one page for the best use of social media 1:- Reality:- Social media is a reality and it is part of our daily life. Technology advanced and in last 10 to 20 years there is availability of smart phone and other devices for social media uses.

Re: Short Video - Calling it addiction?

Registered Member ·
Yes, I also agree. The physician does state having an addiction can lead to individuals losing their jobs and ruining relationships however seems to suggest this isn’t possible with excessive phone use. I would challenge that believe. Employees who are more engaged on their devices than doing work could certainly be faced with job loss and it is evident that device use can have negative impacts on our relationships. My thought is this is a way to gain some media attention while playing with ...

Re: Short Video - Calling it addiction?

Registered Member ·
I totally agree with you. What does she want to call the "problem", given that she's written a book with the "fix" (I may be assuming too much about what her book is about)? Or is she just splitting hairs? It's not the phone that is the problem, it's the applications on the phone.
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Digital well-being: the relationship between technology use, mental health and interpersonal relationships

Registered Member ·
Digital well-being: the relationship between technology use, mental health and interpersonal relationships n1/pub/22-20-0001/ 222000012024001-eng.pdf 25% of Canadians spent 20 hours or more, per week, using the internet those that spend more time on their smart phone, checking it more than once per hour, report lower life satisfaction and increase in mental health issues those connecting with friends and family online are more likely to spend time with friends...

This website has been funded by a grant from the Government of Ontario.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario.