

EENet Connect is a space for sharing knowledge within the mental health and addictions sector. 

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Recent Topics

User profile image Rossana -

Psychosocial Risks in the Workplace

The Institut national de santé publique du Québec has released several intervention tools on psychosocial risks in the workplace and health promotion.

Workplace Psychosocial Risks

The fact sheet, "Workplace Psychosocial Risks: Measurable and Modifiable Health Risks" looks at the workplace…

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User profile image Leah -

New report: Healthcare Utilization and Clinical Comorbidities among People Who Died of a Substance-Related Toxicity Death in Ontario

This joint report by the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network (ODPRN) and Public Health Ontario (PHO) highlights the high prevalence of healthcare needs and use among Ontarians who died of a substance-related toxicity. It aims to help provide insight into where and why individuals present to…

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User profile image Dylan -

Webinar: Enhancing Client Engagement & Retention in Therapy

Do you ever experience client no-shows, incomplete homework tasks or withdrawals from therapy? Would you feel more effective if you had a method for addressing these patterns to enhance engagement in therapy? Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a unique therapy modality that targets these…

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